How to Create new Users and set show permissions

In this lesson you will learn how to set up multiple users for your account

My Users – Create User




Click on the My Users tab. Then hit the “Create User” button.

Create User – Enter new user details




Enter user details – Once you have entered the Users details, click permissions to set the permissions and show access.

Select landing page – You can also select the landing page for the user. By default this set to MyCast as the majority of users will be accessing the page everyday.

Select Shows and Set permissions



Definitions of the functions of each of the Permissions are below. Select them by checking the appropriate boxes.

Manage Shows: By selecting this the User will be able to create/edit the information in My Shows, they would be able to create a new project, change details for a current project or even delete a project.

Manage Calls: By selecting this the User will be able to create/edit Casting calls in the My Calls section.

Manage Cast: By selecting this the User will be able to edit information in the My Cast section.

Manage Contacts: By selecting this the User will be able to add/edit Contacts and informatin in the My Contacts section. The My Contacts section is shared for all Users within your Account so we encourage all Users to add records.

Manage Users: By selecting this the User will be able to view, create & edit information for Users in the My Users section.

Manage Reports: By selecting this the User will be able to create reports for export in the My Reports section.

Manage Application: By selecting this the User will be able to create new Online Applications as well as be able to edit existing Online Applications. This functionality should be restricted so that no accidental changes are made.

View Permission: By selecting this the User will be able to view the My Cast section and all records but wont be able to save any notes in the Producer’s Notes section or change an applicant’s status or delete any records.

View Dashboard: By selecting this the User will be given permission to view the dashboard.

Localisations – Set local time zone



Choose your time zone from the drop down. This enables the system to use your timezone to apply the correct time and date stamp to comments the user makes on the application.