How to Create an application

In this lesson you will learn how to Create an Online Application Form for your Casting project.


Beginning an Application



Go to the My Shows tab on your Dashboard.  Click the “Create Application” button.

Complete Show Details



Fill out the various details of the show you’re casting and upload the banner for your application page. Note the dimensions for the banner are 960 x 250 pixels.

Once you’ve created the show, click Create Application



Application title – Enter the name for your Application form (eg. The Amazing Race Season 5)

Application URL – Enter a unique extention for your URL (eg. AmazingRace5) N.B As this forms part of the custom URL for your application page, you will not be able to enter spaces or special characters.

Brief Application Description – Enter the text that you wish to appear on the front page of your application form. (eg. Text explaining what the show is about, the types of people you are looking for, any specific requirements they need to have to be part of the show and what information they should include in their application. It is also a good idea to let applicants know if they need to create a audition video to upload with their application.

Last Page Description – Enter a thank you message that gets displayed once your applicants have submitted their application. Typically you would let them know when they could expect to hear from you if they make it through to the next stage of the casting process and include an email address where they can reach the casting team if they have any questions.

Create Application continued




Log in/ Password Instructions – Enter text to explain that their email address and password they create for the application will allow them to save their application and return to is later if they are not able to finish it in one sitting.

Start and End Date: Enter the start and end date for the casting

Country: Select the Country/Countries that you are casting from. You can select more than one country by holding SHIFT and clicking the countries you want.

Status: If your application is set to open, people will be able to to apply. If you select closed, people will not be able to apply.

Number of Applicants: Select the number of applicants: If you have teams of two or more you can use the drop down to select the number of applicants per team. (Eg. The Amazing Race has teams of two people, and so you would select 2 from the dropdown) For individual applicants, leave it set to 1.

Share: Check this box if you want your applicants to be able to share that they have applied to your show on Facebook and Twitter. This is a great tool to use for getting the word out about your casting!

Hide Table Details: This check box hides the grey table on the front page of the application.

Allow Multiple Applicants: By default, each person can only apply to each show once. If you want your applicants to be able to send in more than one application for the same show, check this box.


Add Questions



Your application is now created and ready for you to add sections and questions!

Edit Button: This button will return you to the previous screen where you can add/edit the settings for your application.

Copy Button: This will copy the URL of your application to the clipboard of your PC. You can either send this URL directly to your applicants, or embed it in a website. We can also setup a customized casting URL (eg. for details about this email us at

Edit Email Template: This button allows you to edit the email templates for the Request additional Video/Photo/Document feature.

Add/Edit Content Buttons: Each of these buttons opens their respective section where you can then add questions or edit existing questions and settings.

Add Section and Create Questions Button: This button allows you to create a new section.


Sections can be reordered by clicking on the Section name and moving it up or down.

To remove a default section (eg Photos/Videos)  just uncheck the Active/Not Active box.

Make sure to Click “SAVE” After entering information.

If you want to duplicate an entire section including all of the questions within that section, click the Duplicate button beside the section. This feature is very handy if you have teams of two people or more applying and they each have to answer the same questions.


Adding Questions



Once you have clicked on Add/Edit Content, simply click the Add Another Question Button to bring up the above screen.

Add the question text into the Question Field Name box, select whether or not you want the Question to be mandatory and then choose the field type for the answer.

You can choose from Small Text box, Medium text box, Large text box, Drop down, Radio & Check box.

For example a drop down box is helpful for a question that may have a few options as the answer. A Radio field is good if you want the applicant to choose only one answer from the options given and a check box is useful when the applicant can choose multiple selections from your options.

After entering the information for your question Click “SAVE” It will take you to a summary page for the section.

Return to Application set up page




Once you have entered all the questions for the section then click. “Update Section” and all the information will be saved. Then click “Close” and you will be returned to the Application set up page.

Reordering Sections



New sections are automatically at the bottom of the list. They can be moved by selecting the Section Name with you mouse and moving up or down as you please. Remember to click Update Section once you’re finished moving the sections to save them in place.