My Cast Section Tutorial

This lesson will show you the features of the MyCast tab


MyCastingNet – My Cast Tab Explained




Once you have logged in you will arrive at your DASHBOARD. This contains five tabs which relate to the features of MyCastingNet. Some of the tabs are only accessible to the Main Administrator of your account. Below is a brief description of each tab, in this lesson we will explore the features in depth.

(1) My Dashboard, This tab shows you a summary of all of the critical data for each of the shows/projects that you’re casting.

(2) My Shows, this tab allows you to create new casting projects “shows”. It is where you will enter the project details. (This section may only be accessible to the Main Admin).

(3) My Cast, this tab houses all the data for your castings. If you have created an online application form the applicants will be house here.

(4) My Contacts, this tab is where you can save details for any contacts that you use. For example if you are casting a cooking show and have contacted cooking schools you can keep the records in one central place for easy recall on your next project.

(5) My Users, this tab is for creating and managing the logins and access for your Casting team.

(6) My Reports, this tab allows you to create and export mass reports in various forms, eg Casting Cards and Data Exports.

My Cast


Click on “My Cast” tab. This will take you to the “My Cast” section.

Step 1. To begin you must select from the drop down for “Show Title”, this will bring up the records for the specific project you require.

Step 2. Select the application form. If there is more than one application form ie for different roles or secondary application forms, simply chose the the one you want from the drop down.

Step 3. Once selected Click on the “GO” button.

There are various sort functions so that you can view applicants, by State, Age, Status of Application etc. These are available by click on the Advanced Search bar


My Cast, Applicant Summary view


The results displayed include, Photos, Application Title (Project name), Applicant Name, Age, Gender, State, Email, Status (which can be edited -shown in upcoming lessons), and Date (the date the Application was made.)  New records that haven’t been opened will appear in Bold text. To further refine your Search you can set advanced parameters using the “Advanced Search” feature highlighted above.  Note the total number of records also appears as “Search Results” (Shown by the Arrow).

My Cast, ‘Advanced Search’ Feature explained



After clicking Advanced Search, more search categories will appear. By selecting from the drop down menus you can define the parameters of your search. You can search by Status, (Pending, Rejected, Shortlisted, Accepted), State, Age and Gender. To do this simply select what ever details you want to search for from the drop down menus and press go. If you want to find a single record by the persons name, try typing their first or last name into the search free text field. If you have their email address you can also search using that by entering it into that search text box. You can also search by date range of when the application was received.

Custom Search Criteria: This field allows you to search by any of the questions included an any of the applications people have completed. If you asked ‘Do you have a pet dog? Yes/No – you can pull up that question and search for everyone that answered Yes or No.

Tagging Drop down – The tag drop down allows you to create customised labels/groups for your applicants. eg. Top 10, or Twins, You can then add those labels to an application and search by them creating your own customised filtering for your application.

My Cast, viewing Applicant Records




To view a record simply click anywhere on the Applicant field.  This will bring you to a three tab view of the record, known as the “Detailed Applicant Profile”

My Cast – Detailed Applicant Profile




The Detailed Applicant Profile has four tabs.

1. Applicant Data, this is the information received as part of their Application. It includes one photo and the responses to any questions included in the Online Application. You can Export the Application to PDF for printing. Simply click “Export to PDF”.

2. Producer’s Notes, this is where you can update the Applicants Status and enter notes that will form the template for your Casting Cards (explained in more detail later in this lesson).

3. Photos & Videos, this section will include all the Photos and or Videos that were submitted by the Applicant, here you can select which image will appear as their thumbnail in the My Cast section and on their Casting Card.

4. Documents – This section is where any documents that were uploaded by the applicant are stored. You can also store additional documents relating to the application in this section if you wish.

5. Applicant History – If an applicant has applied to multiple shows you have cast a list of the applications is shown in this section.

Edit Data – If you wish to edit a submission from an applicant you can do so using the edit data button. Simply click edit, update the data you want to change and click save either at the top or bottom of the page.

Export to PDF – This button exports the application to PDF for printing

Delete – This button permanently deletes the application.

MyCast – Producers Notes



The Producers notes tab is used to enter more detailed information about the applicant during the casting process.

Applicant Status : You can update the applicants status from Pending to Accepted or Shortlisted or Rejected depending on where you are up to in the casting process.

Applicant ID Field: You can add a unique Identifier in the Applicant ID field e.g. if you have your own internal numbering system you could enter the applicant number in this field.

Tag Line: The Tag line is a very important field as this field is exported to the casting card report, so when you are giving your characters for your show names you can enter it here and it will automatically appear on the casting card report.

Casting Card Notes: This field is designed to allow the producer to write final notes about the applicant that they want to appear on the casting card.

Communication Log: The communication log is an extremely important function of this section as it allows users to create a record of all communication with the applicant during the casting process. Each time a log in created it is automatically time and date stamped with the persons name who made the log. That way no matter how many people are working on the show you will always know who the last person was to speak with them and what they said, a very handy tool to have.

Save Button: To save content that you have added to the applicant ID, Tagline or Casting Card Notes sections you MUST press the save button.

Export to Word/PDF Buttons: By pressing either of these buttons you will export a casting card report for the applicant record you are working on. This report also included the Communication log so that you can also see the entire history of the communication with the applicant. (N.B you can run a standard Casting Card report without the Comm Log from the My Reports Tab). The idea behind this report is that you can print these out when you go on the road during audition tours and take with you an up to date record of where you are with each person.

MyCast – Photos and Videos



In this section you can see all of the images and videos that the applicant has submitted with their application. Using the ‘Show in casting card’ link under each photo you can select which photo you would like to appear on the Casting Card for the applicant. To view the full size image simply click on the image and it will pop up full size for you to view.