How to create Tags, add tags to applications and search using tags

This lesson describes how to create customized tags, add them to applications and then search using tags

How to create a Tag…



In the My Cast section, click on advanced search and under the tag section click add new item

Enter Tag Name and Tag Color



Enter the name of your tag in the ‘Tag Name’ box and check the box for the color you want from the color section then click create

How to add a tag to a record



After doing a search and bringing up your applications, hover your mouse over the record you wish to add a tag to. You will see on the far left next to the picture a check box appear. Check the box of the application you wish to add a tag to and the tag menu will appear (marked in green)

Select your tag and add it to an application



Click on the tag you wish to add and it will be added to your record.

Your tag is added!





Once the tag has appeared on your record you’re done!

Searching using tags



Search for tagged records by selecting the desired tag from the Tag drop down in the advanced search and pressing go! All applications with that tag will then appear. You can also search for records that have multiple tags. Simply select the tags you want and press Go.